What charities does The AD Trust work with?

We have been or are currently involved in providing funding and working with the following organisations :

Amnesty, ASAP, Awetu, Barnardos, Calne Trust, Changing Faces, Children’s Hospice UK, Computer Aid Int, First Step Trust, Friends Down to Earth, Frontline, Happy Days, John Taylor Rocket Fund, Just Different, Kids, Macintyre Organisation, Mentor, Mind, Mosaic Club House, Norwood, NPC, One Life, Prison Videos Trust, RSVP/CSV, Sane, Skill, St. Giles Trust, Thrive, Too Many Women, Trailblaizers, Treolar Trust, VPF.

Please click on the above to go to their websites.


The AD Trust has been a valued supporter of SANE for many years. In addition to financial grants, their management support, particularly in the area of our impact evaluation, has been crucial to improving the services we provide to the entire SANE community.

Paul Flitcroft, SANE Director

The AD Charitable Trust has been a generous and committed supporter of Mentor, the UK charity protecting children from alcohol and drugs, for several years.

Mentor works with some of the country’s most disadvantaged including kinship care families where grandparents are looking after children whose parents misuse alcohol and drugs, and young offenders. Through targeted, evidence based projects with young people, parents and carers, schools and grassroots organisations we improve young people’s knowledge, skills and self-confidence to make wise decisions, to be happier and healthier, and to fulfil their personal and social potential.

The A D Trust is a visionary organisation that recognises the value of prevention and is prepared to invest in it, something many governments and individuals struggle to do. A D Trustees ask insightful questions and take time to examine complex issues. Like Mentor, they are interested in the evidence base, and in developing a longer term, sustainable approach rather than a quick fix.

In the last four years, their support has helped Mentor to translate research into evidence based programmes such as Street Talk, Families Together and Mentor Youth – London. Their sustained support for our core work has enabled us to pursue our commitment to excellence in testing economic times. The quality of our work and the depth of our expertise means we are now working across Government and with industry to promote the importance of investing in effective, strategic alcohol and drug prevention for young people.

Chief Executive Paul Tuohy, Mentor

The monies donated by you have helped us to benefit some of the most needy children in our society, who have either a physical disability, ongoing chronic health problems, acute conditions, children with various learning difficulties, children who have been victims of abuse and or neglect, and children who have a life limiting condition, and sadly face an early death.

We have with your help been able to benefit hundreds of children from various areas of the u.k. to be able to take part in an activity more often enjoyed by the wider community. The outings to such places as the theatre, zoo, theme park or the seaside provide not only an enjoyable fun outing, but the children improve their social skills, and gain educational benefit also. All the outing help the children to take part in a new activity in a new environment in a safe format.

These trips are vital in helping the children’s future developmental potential into adulthood with more confidence. With each new experience achieved by the children greater understanding and awareness is obtained of the wider community, and we in turn help these children “to experience what life has to offer”.

The vast majority of the children come from areas of poor socio economic deprivation and due to financial constraints would never normally get the opportunity to get out of the area, and to have a fun and positive experience. Our waiting list is usually 12 – 15 months long, due to many people accessing us for help, and without the support of organisations such as The A.D. Charitable Trust, we would not be able to help quickly enough.

The ease of working together with The A.D. Charitable Trust over the past 6 years has been a real pleasure, and vital source of income. Our deepest gratitude goes out to you, in making some of the most vulnerable children in our society to feel that others do care, and they are not a forgotten audience.

“A man never stands so tall
As when he stoops to help a child”

Ryan Sinclair, Happy Days

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